Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Spring 2018 Online Courses at the Stevenson School of Ministry

Here is a link to registration for online courses offered through the Stevenson School for Ministry in the Dio of Central PA. Scholarships are available.

Here are a few course descriptions:

Conversations in Celtic Spirituality with Rev. Dr. Mark Scheneman
This course is a five-week course specially designed for small groups in parishes. This course will undertake a pilgrimage into traditional and contemporary Celtic Spirituality. We will examine the rich and deep traditions of the Celtic Christian movement with particular attention to the dynamics and rhythms of connectedness, presence, and engagement in a spirituality we can claim as our own in this 21st century.

Greek for Preaching and Teaching II with Dr. Deirdre Good
(Prerequisite: Greek for Preaching and Teaching I or permission of the instructor) This is a course reading the gospels of Mark and John in conjunction with the lectionary readings. We will focus on syntax (parts of speech and forms), morphology (internal structure of words), theological issues, and semantic meanings. We will use traditional and online resources including the Greek New Testament, dictionaries, and Bible software.

Canon Law with Rev. Dr. Kara Slade
This course will provide an overview of canon law in the Episcopal Church as a preparation for ordination.

Ethics II with Rev. Dr. Kara Slade
At its best, the discipline of Christian ethics is nothing less than the adventure of discipleship, and I’m glad to join each of you this semester as we embark on it together. While this course draws on the work of a number of Anglican scholars, it is also intentionally ecumenical, bringing other voices to the table as well. Over the next 10 weeks, we will explore a range of topics that address how Christians can think and live morally – in our own lives and in our common life together: in families, in communities, in our nation, and in creation.

Hebrew Testament Survey Course with Rev. Dr. David Zwifka
Learn more about Covenant, and the journey of the ancient people of God. This course examines the Old Testament (Hebrew Bible) as an expression of the religious life and thought of ancient Israel and a foundational document of Western civilization.

Preaching in Challenging Times with Rev. Shawn Strout
(Prerequisite: Homiletics I or permission of instructor)
This course is both for the student preacher and the experienced preacher. Preachers are called to proclaim the Good News of Jesus Christ no matter the circumstances. How do we proclaim this Good News in challenging times? In this course, we will discuss three types of challenging sermons: liturgical, pastoral, and prophetic sermons. Students will preach three times, videotaping themselves and the class will discuss the sermons via Zoom. Therefore, access to a digital recorder and a webcam/microphone will be required.

Sharing the Lectionary with Dr. Deirdre Good
This is a course sharing and proclaiming the lectionary for Epiphany, Lent, and Easter 2018. We will pay particular attention to the Gospels of Mark and John and also discuss readings for the Presentation of Jesus in the Temple (Feb 2), Feast of St Joseph (March 19), the Annunciation (April 9), and for Holy Week (March 25-April 1) .

Synoptics I with Dr. Deirdre Good
There are four gospels in the New Testament: Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. While John is distinctive, Matthew, Mark, and Luke can be studied alongside one another because of overlapping content. Thus, they are identified as the Synoptic Gospels from Greek words connoting “seen with” or “seen together.” In this course, we will cover all of Mark’s Gospel studying it alone and attending to parallel passages such as the parable of the Sower/Seeds/Soils in Matthew, Mark, and Luke.

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Planning for Rites and Rituals Year A Church Publishing 2025

Edited by Canon Andrew Wright. To be published in July 2025