Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Rev. Dr. Wil Gafney lectures on Women Prophets and Royal Women in Israel, March 10-11, United Theological Seminary of the Twin Cities

Susan Draper White Lectures in Women’s Studies
Rev. Dr. Wil Gafney, M.Div., Ph.D.
MONDAY, MARCH 10, 2014, 7:30 PM 
TUESDAY, MARCH 11, 2014, 11:00 
Bigelow Chapel

Wil Gafney
Associate Professor of Hebrew and Old Testament
The Lutheran Theological Seminary at Philadelphia
March 10 - "Women of the Word: Women Prophets
and Scribes in and around Biblical Israel
March 11 - "She Reigns: The Royal Women of Israel
and Judah and the Israelite Queendom
The Rev. Dr. Wil Gafney is an associate professor of Hebrew and Old Testament at The Lutheran Theological Seminary at Philadelphia. Her course offerings include: Heroines, Harlots and Handmaids: the Women of the Hebrew Scriptures and Prophetic Constructions, which explores prophets who do not have canonical books attributed to them, including better-known prophets such as Miriam and Elijah, along with lesser-known prophets such as the woman with whom Isaiah fathered a child.
Her approach to teaching the Hebrew Scriptures includes emphasizing archaeology, comparative ancient Near Eastern literature and the Dead Sea Scrolls. Her interest in the ancient Near Eastern and biblical portrayals of Lilith and other night-stalking creatures led to her participation in two HBO documentaries on the origin and evolution of vampire mythologies, True Bloodlines: Vampire Legends and True Bloodlines: A New Type in 2008, airing before the series premiere of True Blood.
Dr. Gafney is an ordained Episcopal priest and a member of the historic African Episcopal Church of St. Thomas in Philadelphia. Founded in 1792, it is the first Episcopal church in the U.S. founded by and for African Americans. More...
Fee: The lectures are free and open to the public.
Registration: Register online or contact Renee Flesner, 651.255.6138.
More Information: Call 651.255.6137 for more information about the lecture series or the speaker.
This endowed lectureship was established by Priscilla Braun ’83 in memory of her grandmother, Susan Draper White, for the presentation of two annual lectures in the area of women in religion, theology, and ministry. It is the major public event offered through the seminary’s Women’s Studies program.
Lecturers have included Eunjoo Mary Kim, Beverly Roberts Gaventa, Mary Farrell Bednarowski, Jane Dempsey Douglass, Nancy LEieslandMarie M. Fortune, Rita Gross, Beverly Harrison, Mary Hunt, Ada Isasi-Diaz, Karen Lebacqz, Barbara K. Lundblad, Joretta L. MarshallJoyce MercerMary Elizabeth Mullino Moore, Damayanthi Niles, Judith Plaskow, Marjorie Procter-Smith, Letty M. Russell, Marjorie H. Suchocki, Emilie M. Townes, and Renita J. Weems.

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