Saturday, November 20, 2010

Over at CNN's Belief blog, Stephen Prothero has a timely piece opposing the start of Christmas in November particularly as an outgrowth of consumerism. I agree. We are almost in the season of Advent, namely, preparation, waiting and hope. Advent continues for a month. It is the season of fasting and penitence and the beginning of the Church's liturgical year. Without waiting in hope, without preparing a home, without Advent, there is no receiving the message of Christmas.

Advent for me has been a time for retreats. I've spent weekends and day retreats at SSJE, for example. My model of waiting has been Mary. Look at the ways she's depicted as the angel Gabriel arrives: reading, praying, contemplating, musing, thinking. All of these are states of active anticipation rather than passive waiting.

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