Wednesday, May 02, 2007

A personal note: Chemotherapy and the Brain

On April 29th, Jane Gross published an article in the NY Times on "Chemotherapy Fog", a kind of "coming out" for those of us who have had chemotherapy (in my case for colon cancer) and live with side-effects. Today there are 7 published letters in response. What are the alternatives?

Someone I know who was recently diagnosed with colon cancer withdrew from a chemotherapy protocol including oxalyplatin halfway through the treatment preferring to take her chances after surgery. The side effects of the protocol were intolerable. Would it not be better for someone to undergo a regimen that was tolerable and effective, given that any regimen is likely to have side effects?

1 comment:

Katherine said...

The fog was undeniable for me - I put my running shoes in the freezer and toiletries in the pantry. Perhaps the fog was necessary to face the hard truths? The "hey, maybe you're going home now, are you ready?" kind of truths. In any event, chemo and the brain have less to do with hard science and more to do with mountaintop experiences than anyone would like to admit.
Thanks for offering this up here,

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