Sunday, May 20, 2007

Let's Read Mark 17

A new technique of getting people to read the bible outside church is reported from an Anglican Church in Uganda in AllAfrica by Paddy Nsobya Kampala.

"The priest asked the congregation to revise St. Mark 17 and master it, so that they could discuss it the next Sunday.

On the D-day, he started his sermon by asking those who had read the chapter to raise their hands. He then asked them to stand up for recognition saying they were God's chosen."

You know what happened next, right?

1 comment:

johnieb said...

Then again, one bright & creative member, who ought to be named "Jacob", claimed his (for the example's sake) following of "The Way" was the appropriate revision of Mark 17 in his case, and was promptly sent to seminary as a Theology student, where he is already teaching.

Planning for Rites and Rituals Year A Church Publishing 2025

Edited by Canon Andrew Wright. To be published in July 2025