Sunday, June 08, 2008

Book: The Painful Verses

Here's a new literary collaboration "Les Versets douloureux" (The Painful Verses) by David Meyer, Soheib Bencheikh and Yves Simoens Publishers: Éditions Lessius, Publication date: February 2008.

The "painful verses" refers to the passages in the scripture that speak of rejection, violence and hate of others and of the other's tradition, more specifically the Torah, the Gospel according to Saint John and the Koran. Dialogue as such is dealt with in the last part of the book, with a chapter that describes a roundtable discussion among the three authors after reading each other's contributions to the book.

Strange that the Christian contribution is restricted to John's Gospel which is not true of the other contributions.

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Planning for Rites and Rituals Year A Church Publishing 2025

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