Thursday, July 05, 2007

TLS Review of "Wonderful Blood"

The TLS has printed Bettina Bildhauer's review of Caroline Walker Bynum's Wonderful Blood:-

Caroline Walker Bynum’s Wonderful Blood makes us see Christ’s blood, and see it everywhere in late-medieval Christianity: it streams from his wound on the Cross; it gushes into the waiting mouth of believers meditating on the Eucharist; it cakes on his forehead in the Passion; it soaks the earth of Golgotha; it miraculously appears when Eucharistic hosts are stolen or abused; it imprints the heart of devoted Christians; it saves, washes and nourishes all; in short, it emerges as the central object of Northern European spirituality in the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries.

There are a few reservations but the review is on balance laudatory.


Simon Barrow said...

Ta for these TLS tips. Much appreciated. I get the London Review of Books, which is fab. But I find reading literary journals online a chore, for some reason (perhaps it's that annoying habit of having a life to get in the way of reading!) So I value people spotting these things for me.

Rev Dr Mom said...

I appreciate these tips as well!

Planning for Rites and Rituals Year A Church Publishing 2025

Edited by Canon Andrew Wright. To be published in July 2025