Thursday, July 19, 2007

A new book An Acceptable Sacrifice: Homosexuality and the Church from SPCK is reviewed in the TLS by Archbishop John Hapgood. Its not pc but I always want to know if any of the articles are written by us glbt folk since I strongly oppose being the object of the discussion rather than the one doing the interrogation of the text. I can't tell from the review but perhaps someone else can?


johnieb said...

I don't know who's "one of us" these days myself, but I affirm anyone's wish not to be the object of interrogation unless they also be the interrogators. Who is choosing whom to be asked what, after all?

I find this objectionable, but it's also personal and emotional for me; I was an Interrogator in Vietnam.

Deirdre said...

Thank you John for your comment

johnieb said...

You're most welcome.

Planning for Rites and Rituals Year A Church Publishing 2025

Edited by Canon Andrew Wright. To be published in July 2025