Tuesday, July 17, 2007

The Church and Women

(shamelessly purloined from the magazine America):-

A farmer, a stockbroker, and woman who was a lawyer were standing in line, waiting for their chance at entrance into Heaven.

St. Peter called the farmer first. "We have only one simple requirement for entrance here," St Peter said, "You must spell 'God'." "Easy enough," said the farmer, "G-O-D." And he entered Heaven.

Next, St. Peter called the stock broker. "We have only one simple requirement for entrance here," he said. "You must spell 'God'." "No problem," said the stockbroker, "G-O-D." And he went in.

Finally, the woman lawyer approached St Peter. "Good riddance to the world," she said. "My whole life, I've tried to excel in a male-dominated society, only to continuously bump into the proverbial 'glass ceilings' at every point. I can't tell you, St Peter, how glad I am finally to be rid of male chauvinism."

"Well, you'll certainly find none of that here," said St. Peter. "I'm sure you'll enjoy heaven, if you can meet this one simple requirement for entrance. You must spell "Czechoslovakia."

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Nice one...I had a good chuckle between worship/music-leading for Vacation Bible School.

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