Monday, October 20, 2008

After a day's work of theological reflection, I went for an evening walk with my binocs and saw an unidentifiable hummingbird and several Acorn Woodpeckers. According to sources, the Acorn Woodpecker range is Southern Oregon south through California. The bird stores nuts in individually drilled holes in trees called granaries. The acorns are jammed in so tight that even squirrels can’t pry them out. Some of these granary trees have up to 50,000 holes drilled by extended woodpecker families.

Acorns seem to be emergency provisions; on mild winter days these birds catch flying insects.

Breeding groups may contain as many as 7 male breeders and 3 females. All breeding males can mate with any and all of the female breeders of the group.

A group of acorn woodpeckers are collectively known as a "bushel" of woodpeckers.

More information here.


Country Parson said...

You know about these things, so where are my sparrows. One 'expert' says they migrate, another says they don't. Our two bird houses provided nursery cover for a hundred or more this summer, so where are they now?
Your ignorant servant,

Deirdre said...

As soon as I have a little more time, I will do my best to find out!

Country Parson said...

For several days I've been trying to nurture one lone sparrow with fresh water and feed. Last night Riley went out for his bed time ablutions, stayed for an unreasonably long time, and came back in, dead sparrow in his mouth. Did he kill it? He would if he could. Did he just find it? Most likely. Did God know about my one scruffy sparrow like Jesus said he does? And for that matter, how did I become so fond of dull, ordinary birds like sparrows?

Planning for Rites and Rituals Year A Church Publishing 2025

Edited by Canon Andrew Wright. To be published in July 2025