Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Kwai Sing Chang, R.I.P.

Kwai Sing Chang was my senior colleague at Agnes Scott College. Here's an obit from the Atlanta Journal and Constitution. He was everything one wants in a colleague: kind, helpful and generous. Kwai was held in high esteem at Agnes Scott College for his quiet and balanced outlook. He had a great sense of humor. He told me once about being mistaken for a laundry man when he and his wife Miyoko arrived in Decatur.

The paper notes that he recently took to composing haikus.
Dr. Chang composed this haiku in March, and it says he was ready to embrace death:
White and pink dogwoods
Impatiently, eagerly
Wait to bloom and fall


J D said...

I'd like to hear the story of the sausage reference. Also, does anyone at ASC have any more of the haikus Dr. Chang had written before he died? I don't know whose blog this is, but I was in the class of 1969. I was just posting something on FB about his scholarly teaching and thought I'd check to see if there were any postings on the ASC site about him.

J D said...

Who is this? This is Judith DeWitt, also of the Class of 1969. I don't remember the sausage reference, but maybe it was not used in our time with Dr. Chang. I have not had the privilege of reading or getting hold of his haikus, either. I guess I could figure who J D is (besides me), but would you mind sharing more with me? I did go to Dr. Chang's memorial service and spoke with his wife and daughters, since I had written him a letter during the year before he died, and they told me some things about that. Would love to talk with anyone with memories or stories about him. He was actually my mentor at ASC, I've realized, over the years.

Planning for Rites and Rituals Year A Church Publishing 2025

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