Wednesday, April 06, 2011

Sr Elizabeth Johnson + charity

Letter to the Editor from today's NY Times
A significant group of Catholics who have not read Sister Elizabeth A. Johnson’s work and adopt the practice of simply believing what the bishops report — that her book does not uphold church doctrine — have taken to criticizing her and even questioning her faith. While we are waiting for the dialogue between Professor Johnson and the bishops to take place, perhaps we can call for another statement from the bishops reminding the faithful of the importance of charity for all people.
As a former student of Professor Johnson, I wish to take this opportunity to attest not only to her intellectual rigor but also her fidelity to the church. Neither should be lost at this time.
Chicago, April 2, 2011
The writer is a doctoral student in theology at Loyola University Chicago.

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Planning for Rites and Rituals Year A Church Publishing 2025

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