Tuesday, February 19, 2008

When the Library is in Storage

Our library is relocated to another building and the librarians have done a fantastic job of relocation and getting a temporary library into shape before the start of the new semester. In a few years, we'll have a new library in the front building on 9th Avenue.

In the meantime, I've been able to find a number of new books happily. But today, I hit a brick wall.

Preparing for a class on the LXX translation of Is 52:13-53:12, who could fail to notice the remarkable change from the Hebrew third person e.g. in Is 53:14 "his appearance and his semblance" to the second person, "Your form and your glory" (to eidos sou kai he doxa sou)?

The person who seems to have observed and made sense of this is David Bauer, "When We All Go Home Together: Translation and Theology in Isaiah 56-66 (Continuum 2001) in chapter three, "Personalization in the LXX". He writes that LXX Isaiah has added second and first person references to the text which has often a "homiletical and contemporizing" motivation. Wanting to consult his book, I go to the library catalogue and read:-

Database: St. Mark's Library
Main Author: Baer, David A.
Title: When we all go home : translation and theology in LXX Isaiah 56-66 /
Primary Material: Book
Publisher: Sheffield : Sheffield Academic Press, 2001.

Location: Main Stacks - In Storage

(Loud cry of anguish follows)...Google book search can only take me so far.


Rev Dr Mom said...

That's when you call all your friends who have access to theological libraries and beg them to make copies for you....wish I had such a library here!

Deirdre said...

At lunch, I sat next to a wonderful person who offered to check the UTS catalog for me and bring it back this afternoon if it was there! I need to be more creative about our situation.

fleurmagnifique said...

A certain professor of church history must be completely disoriented with the loss of his de facto office.

Planning for Rites and Rituals Year A Church Publishing 2025

Edited by Canon Andrew Wright. To be published in July 2025   https://www.churchpublishing.org/planningforritesandritualsyeara