Sunday, March 06, 2011

Reading the KJV at the Bath Festival

The entire KJV was read over the course of five days by well-known and not so well-known people recently at the Bath Festival. Local press coverage here. According to Robert McCrumb in yesterday's Guardian, the event was a success:

The Bath festival's Bible challenge, a non-stop reading of Old and New Testaments in the King James Version, had a starry beginning with readings from Genesis by Bill Paterson, Tim Pigott-Smith and the husband-and-wife team of Jonathan Pryce and Kate Fahy in front of a huge audience.
Ash the Rhymer and some friends kept the event going through the first night and was widely judged the big discovery of the challenge. A champion of the oral tradition, Ash confessed to being slightly "under the radar", though he is well known in festival circles for Albion Rising, a two-hour epic described, with apologies to William Blake, as "an invocation of the sleeping faery soul of the island". After five days, Timothy West brought the challenge to a climax with the Book of Revelation.

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