Wednesday, February 27, 2019

March 7 & 14 How to Read the Bible 5-6pm online sessions through the Diocese of Maine

Thanks to the Episcopal Diocese of Maine, I am offering two online workshops on How to Read the Bible,  to interested participants on March 7 & 14th from 5-6pm.

To participate in the discussions, you must have a bible easily available to you. I will refer to it regularly and will encourage you to do so too. I will be specifically referring to The New Oxford Annotated Bible with the Apocrypha, Fifth Edition (2018). I recommend you acquire an annotated NRSV bible, not necessarily this one. I do not expect you to own these books but I want to alert you that I will be referring to David Bentley Hart’s The New Testament: A Translation (2018) and the Jewish Annotated New Testament Second Edition (2017) eds. Amy Jill Levine and Marc Brettler. Please email me for details:

Saturday, February 09, 2019

Lenten Adult Formation Series at Church of Our Redeemer in Lexington Massachusetts

Lenten Adult Formation Series

Recovering a Jewish Jesus
It has never been more important for us as followers of Jesus to understand our fundamental common heritage with Judaism, where and when we parted ways, and how we can live into our faith while honoring and recognizing our Jewish kindred.
This Lent we welcome three extraordinary teachers and guests to Redeemer:
  • Rabbi Howard Jaffe from Temple Isaiah on Sunday March 17 
  • Rabbi David Lerner from Temple Emunah on Sunday March 31
  • Canon Dr. Deirdre Good is a scholar, author and lay preacher in the Diocese of Maine. 
    She will preach on March 10 and lead Adult Forum on Sundays March 10, 24 
    and April 7.

Friday, February 01, 2019

Spring Semester Stevenson School for Ministry Online Courses

Interested in taking online courses at the SSM in Spring 2019?

Register here.

Courses start in the second week of February.
We use Zoom for interactive classroom learning and discussions. Our classes are recorded for future use and consultation. 

Planning for Rites and Rituals Year A Church Publishing 2025

Edited by Canon Andrew Wright. To be published in July 2025