Kate Cooper, professor at the University of Manchester, is the author of a new book on women in early Christianity: Band of Angels http://atlantic-books.co.uk/content/band-angels
It's got great recent reviews from the left: http://www.theguardian.com/books/2013/aug/04/band-angels-kate-cooper-review and from the right: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/culture/books/historybookreviews/10259692/Band-of-Angels-the-Forgotten-World-of-Early-Christian-Women-by-Kate-Cooper-review.html
And by Lucy Winckett, Rector of St James, Piccadilly: http://www.newstatesman.com/2013/08/right-hand-maids-christ
Kate, the author, says:
One of my motivations in writing the book was to put something into the hands of pastoral colleagues/educators that gets the question about early women away from 'ordination' and into a 'lived religion' territory that is more directly useful to the majority of women who are of course in the laity! It was difficult (but really interesting) to try to frame it that way without losing the scholarly gravitas. So I would love to have a chance to talk to women who are involved in, or preparing for, pastoral work!
She's coming to GTS (440 West 21st Street) on Monday Nov 18th. The event is in Seabury in the Close and 21st street rooms with a reception at 6pm and talk/conversation at 6.30pm: booksigning to follow.