Sunday, August 30, 2009

Cultural and Theological Legacy of Calvinism

The BBC's Radio Three is currently broadcasting a programme on the cultural and theological legacy of Calvinism with Andrew Brown. Interviews with historians Diarmaid MacCulloch and Bill Naphy, as well as novelists Marilynne Robinson and James Robertson are promised.

Forthcoming Publications

The New Testament and Rabbinic Literature Edited by Reimund Bieringer, Florentino García Martínez, Didier Pollefeyt & Peter J. Tomson from Brill, October 2009.

The present book brings together the contributions of the foremost specialists on the relationship of the New Testament and Rabbinic Literature. It contains the proceedings of a Symposium held at the K.U.Leuven on January 2006. The contributors, from different European countries as well as from Israel, present in detail the history of rabbinical scholarship by Christian scholars and deal with the main issues in the study of rabbinic materials. As could be expected, much attention is given to halakhic issues, but literary questions in Midrash, Targum and Mystical Literature are also dealt with. All contributions are in English, and the volume is completed with a very large “cumulative bibliography” which will enhance its usefulness.

Contributors include: William Horbury, Isaiah Gafni, Giuseppe Veltri, Günter Stemberger, Catherine Hezser, Roland Deines, Peter J. Tomson, Lutz Doering, Friedrich Avemarie, Thomas Kazen, Jan Joosten, Menahem Kister, Miguel Pérez Fernández, Martin McNamara, and Crispin Fletcher-Louis.

Reimund Bieringer is professor of New Testamentat the Faculty of Theology, Katolieke Universiteit Leuven and author of numerous books and articles on New Testament topics, particularly on Paul.
Florentino García Martínez was Professor of Early Judaism and Dead Sea Scrolls at the Universities of Groningen (Netherlands) and Leuven (Belgium). He is the editor-in-chief of the Journal for the Study of Judaism and editorial secretary of the Revue de Qumran. He has written numerous books and articles on Second Temple Judaism and the Dead Sea Scrolls.
Didier Pollefeyt is professor of Jewish-Christian Relations at the Faculty of Theology, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven.
Peter Tomson is professor of New Testament, Patristics and Rabbinics at the Faculty of Protestant Theology in Brussels, Belgium. He is General Editor of the Compendia Rerum Judaicarum ad Novum Testamentum.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

The index seems to be finished

I finished the index yesterday and answered a few queries today. It is a compilation of names of modern and ancient authors, topics, and text references. I like indices myself. However, I am in a minority. At least we have an index. The publishers of my last book said that I could have either an index or the table I'd spent two and a half days creating!

To me, an index should be useful. It not only lists accessible topics and texts but also ideas discussed. That way, it is creative. For example, there might be a discussion of ideas about Jesus and the index will refer the reader to that page under "Christology." And I also like the feature referring to a related topic. So Lord's Prayer has its own entry while subtopics under "Jesus" include "prayer" with an entry, "see Lord's Prayer".

Does everyone know The Society of Indexers? There's also an American Society for Indexing. Between the two sites you can find everything you want to know about indexing.

Monday, August 17, 2009

These roses from the garden accompany my proof-reading and the making of an index for the new book. You have to imagine their fragrance wafting through the room on the occasional breeze-- from the Benjamin Britten to the Golden Celebration to the Abraham Derby to the (hidden) Winchester Cathedral.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Graham Stanton R.I.P.

The Daily Telegraph published an obituary of Graham Stanton who died on July 18 aged 69. He was Lady Margaret's Professor of Divinity at Cambridge from 1998 to 2007 and before that spent 21 years as Professor of New Testament Studies at King's College, London. Graham Stanton was also President of the Society for New Testament Studies in 1996-1997, editor of New Testament Studies, and a General Editor of the International Critical Commentaries. His books and essays on Matthew's gospel have been a source of inspiration and delight to me over the years.

The University of Cambridge has this to say.

Planning for Rites and Rituals Year A Church Publishing 2025

Edited by Canon Andrew Wright. To be published in July 2025